17 Abortions per day in Jacksonville, FL

In 2018, 70,083 Unborn Babies were aborted in Florida.

This is how 70,083 Unborn Babies in Florida looked, moved and acted before an abortionist “Surgically” ripped them out of their mothers’ wombs or administered a “Medical Non-Surgical” abortion (also known as a chemical abortion or the RU-486 abortion) on their mothers.


This is how 30,822 Unborn Babies in Florida looked, moved and acted after their mothers ingested Mifepristone, the generic name for the RU-486 pill.  (NOTE:  Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which is essential to continuing a pregnancy). 


For up to 72 hours AFTER their mothers took Mifepristone, 30,822 Unborn Babies SLOWLY stopped moving, SLOWLY starved to death inside their mothers’ wombs.