What does Family for LIFE offer abortion-minded mothers and fathers?

HOPE…  and … HELP

Why? These Mothers and fathers, and their unborn children are PRECIOUS TO US!

They are our brothers and sisters!

We understand they may not have:

        ·A personal relationship with God.

        ·The correct understanding that the “clump of cells” is a BABY.

        ·A familial support system.

        ·Sufficient finances to support a baby

Many post-abortive parents are suffering from:

·Grief (mild to profound)
·Depression (sometimes to the point of suicidal thoughts and attempts)
·A sense of alienation from family and friends
·A feeling of being ‘numb,’ not able to feel joy from activities that used to be pleasurable
·Isolating self from others to avoid discussing the abortion experience with them
·Guilt and shame
·Difficulty concentrating
·Anger toward self, or the child’s father, or others involved in the abortion decision
·Sleep disorders
·Abortion-related nightmares, flashbacks or even sounds of a baby crying
·Alcohol and drug problems, to dull the sorrow
·Desire for a ‘replacement’ baby
·Anniversary reactions of grief or depression on the date of the abortion or the baby’s expected due date
·Problems bonding with her other children (being over-protective but emotionally distant)
·Fear that God will punish her, or is punishing her


We care about the abortion minded and those suffering from the trauma of abortion.

We offer them:

·Jesus Christ and His loving plan for their salvation.
·Christian LOVE as described in 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
·A free sonogram which will show the “clump of cells” is a BABY.
·The many FREE resources offered for “crisis pregnancies”. You can do this!
·The many FREE post-abortive resources

Why are these mothers and fathers and their Unborn babies precious to us?

·God knit all of them in their mother’s womb and knows every hair on their heads!
·God has called us to be the “light of the world”!
·We love them as God loves us!
·Because they are our future!